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Essential Learnings in Second Grade


Welcome to Second Grade!



Second grade citizens will:

●      understand/use the elements of critique:

                        *Kind, specific and helpful

●      wonder about things (how/why…questions)

●      share ideas and actively listen to others ideas

●      work well with partners/small groups (solving problems together)

●      build independence

●      use the High Tech High 5 (empathetic, confident, have integrity, curious, reflective)

●      take risks. Learn from mistakes. When met with failure, persevere.

●      understand that they are part of a community, that the community has norms, and that every member is valued.


Second grade readers will:

●      read at a Level M with fluency and comprehension

●      be able to analyze characters

●      make predictions/revise and confirm predictions

●      make inferences

●      understand and identify author’s purpose/message


Second grade writers will:

●      choose a topic and keep to that one topic

●      write a variety of pieces such as: narrative, expository, letter writing, and response to lit

●      include a beginning/middle/end and detail in their writing pieces

●      write unknown words phonetically

  • use second grade sight words correctly

●      write a well-developed story that has the voice of the student and holds the audience’s interest


Second Grade mathematicians will:

●      have automaticity with facts to 20.

●      add/subtract up to 3 digit numbers with or without regrouping.

●      understand place value up to one-thousand.

●      be able to compare numbers and have number sense.

●      explore money, identify values and add coins.

●      understand time to quarter hour.


Habits of Heart and Mind

The High Tech “High 5” are five important Habits of Heart and Mind that High Tech Elementary students will aim to develop with the support of the High Tech community. 

Individual behaviors plans will be developed based on the needs of your children. 



This year, I will consistently be pushing your children to think creatively, to collaborate, to expand their thinking and by the end of the school day, they will probably be ready for some family time. Therefore, homework will be sent home about every 2-3 weeks and your child will have this amount of time to complete the tasks. However, in order to foster a community where literacy is valued, please make sure your child reads for 20-30 minutes daily. Your child should also continue to practice math skills at home using the ST Math program on a regular basis. Your child should be working towards 100% completion by the end of the school year. Also, check my digital portfolio (here!) often for additional resources you can use to support your child at home.


This year, teachers, students and families will be working together in order to provide an enriching, safe, enjoyable, and memorable educational experience for your children. We will be taking risks and supporting each other in this new and exciting journey. I look forward to working with you throughout the year.




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